Wednesday, April 26, 2006
at the end of the road, what matters most are the friends who stood by you through all the good and bad times. i love you all. :)
1:04 AM
Sunday, April 23, 2006
the aftermath.
it's funny how things took a turn for the worse just when you thought everything was heading in the right direction. was it a lack of communication? or perhaps i wasn't observant enough. it's a bit to late to say that i should have done this or i should have thought about that first. maybe i let myself get blinded by my emotions too early, too soon. i should have reminded myself that men are rational creatures while women, emotional ones.
let's take it slow, you say.
no gurantees anything will happen, you say.
i don't wish to hurt you, you say.
but you did, i say.
and now, i can only hope it's not over.
even though i don't know much, it won't stop me from feeling the way i do about you.
i don't think it was "wrong" for me to place importance on feelings.
just wish you would share more about your reflection with me.
12:33 PM
Monday, April 10, 2006
driving down the right path
dear diary, it has been a strange weekend.
i spent some quality time (well, somewhat) over the past few days with my best friend because he had to enlist over the weekend. most of my male friends have already completed or are in the midst of completing national service so this is really the first time i've had to "prepare" for enlistment with someone. this may sound wussy because my bestie was actually quite concerned about serving the nation. he's not exactly the regular dude you'd meet on the streets unfortunately (and fortunately in some ways too). it's not that he's physically unfit or lacking muscularity, it's just that he's got issues that no one (and i really mean no one) can truly understand or help him with (me included). it can be really hard to get along with him sometimes, but he's the reason why i grew up in the first place. he showed me a side of life i won't get to experience, and it taught me many lessons. many a time, i wish i could walk away from the pain and torture but i don't, and won't. i meant what i said that day.. i too wish you didn't have to go through what you did, and as much as you and i know that things aren't gonna get better, i hope that at least that light at the end of the tunnel will keep you going.
what an interesting weekend i had! it's nice and refreshing to not be in the hot seat once in a while. i learnt a few tricks and realized a few things as well. i was too caught up in trying to live up the expectations of others. it's nice to really be appreciated now and then. and i'm sure things are going in the right direction.
gear 1, gear 2, gear 3! here i come!
12:00 PM
Sunday, April 02, 2006
night out @ dblO.
about a month left to go before the exams begin. i'm trying my best to focus all my attention on studying. so far, it's been going relatively well.. although i've yet to master maths and ibm. but.. i shall not fail! maybe i just need to be pressurized more often. it's too fun having my clique around. why do we always end up talking about stuff we shouldn't be talking about whenever we meet up? haha.
the night out with the team and my friends was fantastic! it was scandalous beyond anything i've seen (coz' i'm not a clubber). but hey, i'm glad the outing went well and that everyone had a great time. we shall have another one after the finals! as for now.. back to training tomorrow.
it feels good being able to post something as normal as this.. been awhile.. which means.. i'm finally all right now. :)
here are some photos taken by the photographer while we were @ dblO.

please visit my photo album for more pictures.
12:18 AM