Sunday, January 08, 2006
does being different mean you're a loser?
do people become less adventurous and more boring as they grow older?
somehow i find myself turning into a hermit crab as time slips by. i used to be louder, more crazy and quite full of shite really.. but i realized that i've toned down over the past three years or so. perhaps all the emotional trauma has finally taken its toll on me and changed my character and mindset in eventuality. i wouldn't say that i'm old (still twenty) but i'm definitely not a teen anymore. i have noticed, however, that people my age at school are more happy-go-lucky and well.. more vibrant? i know i'm not a happy-go-lucky kinda person, and i'll never be one. and yes.. i have become more serious over the years. simply put, as others have told me before, i'm untypical. of course i am rather pleased about people complimenting me this way but i'm not that kind who would boast either. i read military books, play arcade and weight-lift.. does that make me different or a loser? there are many interpretations of my behaviour. does dining at expensive restaurants and shopping at LV mean that you're a winner? hey, just because i don't wear make-up all the time or have a sickly sweet voice doesn't mean that i'm less beautiful than other girls. afterall, it's inner beauty that matters more than what you look like on the outside.
some people look down on nerds. from what i've learnt from the movie revenge of the nerds, their difference in appearance does not equate to them being losers or them being unable to feel and love less than the rest of us. remember that they're a hell lot smarter than a whole bunch of people too. haha.
i'm just glad that i'm still surviving. and like what my friend told me once.. as long as you're alive, you're still capable of change.
8:00 PM